Sunday, July 24, 2011

Visual Gathering

Field Research

Philosophy design and motif

Blue colour
  • mixing lime and natural blue dye
  • effective in tropical whether and absorb moisture and cooled the house

Stained glass
  • yellow - rich/money
  • pineapple shape - to get lot of money
  • blue - wisdom
Timber Filigree
  • separated the foyer and inside courtyard
  • separated man and woman
  • woman not allowed in foyer
Bamboo clay
  • sign of everlasting
  • metal but painted to look like wood - cheated god -require to balance feng shui
  • metal more stronger than wood

Gully trap ( inner courtyard )
  • coin shape - prosperity to owner

Ornamental design
  • broken pottery called Chien Nien
  • beam - opera puppet -happiness, sadness, horror
  • coin - prosperity

Precedent Studies

Inside Blue Mansion

This is a very impressive portfolio, made by AgencyNet Interactive. The site acts as an interactive office floor, each room containing information.

This is a fun and interactive marketing portal from Haagen-Dazs.
The portfolio of Naked, this site is very inspirational as it takes on the 3D environment of a house.

Mind Maps

Monday, July 18, 2011

Proposal and concept pitch

Topic :
Penang "Culture and Heritage" : Heritage Building , Architecture and Environment.
The Cheong Fatt Tze (Blue Mansion)

Concept : The message and metaphor :
To show the aesthetic of architecture of the mansion and the same time learn about design philosophy and motif. To know why the building made that way.

Target Audience:
Teenager from age 16 - 25 years old

expose to young generation about :
-the heritage building
-know the aesthetic about heritage building
-to appreciate the heritage building

Gantt chart and timeline:

Assignment 2

to design and develop an interactive Information Design Application.

Penang "Culture and Heritage" : Heritage Building, Architecture and Environment.
-Building with architectural significance and historical value worth to be considered for preservation and conservation

Heritage building:
Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion (Blue Mansion)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Exercise (Gestalt Principle)

Law of closure

tend to see complete figures

Law of symmetry

Symmetrical shapes that form around their center
Order has connotations of stability, consistency and structure.

Law of Pragnanz (figure-ground)

some objects take a prominent role (the figures) while others recede into the background (the ground).

Law of similarity

Objects similar to each other thus tend to be seen as a unit.

Law of proximity

Object close to each other forming as a group

Law of continuity

points that are connected by straight or curving lines are seen in a way that follows the smoothest path
move through one object and continue to another object

Final Artwork

Artist Statement
This poem about patience. In order to get a good result expectation we must be endures it and try not to rush. We may be fail at first time but when we patience we may get more than we expected.

Artwork Treatment
Use light blue color as a background because it represent color of patience. I use nature as the puzzle background because nature make me feel calm and green are one of the color of success. I use puzzle as a idea because when we try match the puzzle we need a lot of patience in order to get a prefect picture.

Precedent Studies



Definition: State of endurance under difficult circumstances, which mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without annoyance/anger in a negative way.
Color: Light blue, blue


Definition:Refer to the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success.
Color: Black, blue green, charcoal gray (depression)


Definition:Victorious or successful.
Color: Burgundy, green, light red, royal blue, violet

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Chosen poem

In between your failure
And your triumph
That is growing
Is known as your patience

Meaning :
There is time where we fail and success but in order to get a good result in doing something we need to be patience. We may get something better than we expected.

Main topic: